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We are inviting you to
"Discover Yourself" A 3- Day Workshop on Personality Development Through Self-introspection (Based on Islamic Principles) The
workshop aims to achieve self empowerment Workshop is not just giving information but bringing in a total paradigm shift, total Transformation of the participants. Moving the self from darkness to light, from the false world to the world of reality, from nafs e Ammarah to nafs e Mutmainah. “Now
we need a revolution, PURIFICATION OF SELF
“He Indeed Shall Be Successful Who Purifies Himself (87:14)
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM THE WORKSHOPIn the first day of the workshop your anger disappears and you enter into a state of peace and tranquillity. You feel free and light and your view of life, people around you and the world transforms.
The next day you get rid off the burden of the past and theconstrains the past imposes on your view of life. You get access to live in the present and create a new future. You have the power, freedom and self-expression to take any challenge that life throws at you and life is no longer a burden. Your view of life alters. You create a new you, surrendering to the will of Allah and choosing to be His representative. You purify your heart and truly get connected with Almighty Allah. Third day you witness a whole new world around you by demolition (fana) of your ego. You see life as simple with Truth prevailing and Falsehood perishing. You experience, love, joy, peace, happiness, contentment and bliss, a gift Allah has given you to experience and share with others.
IN KENYA Under the Patronage of Islamic Affairs and
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